The risk factors and causes for the development of common diseases such as diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases can be multifaceted. In addition to risk factors that cannot be influenced, such as hereditary (family) predisposition, age or gender, there are numerous risk factors that can be actively influenced. These include diet and exercise, smoking, alcohol, but also stress and sleep.
Same risk factors for diabetes and other common diseases
Risk factors that lead to type 2 diabetes can also promote the development of cardiovascular diseases. “Preventing type 2 diabetes by promoting exercise, changing diet and reducing obesity also has a positive impact on the development of cancer, cardiovascular disease and dementia. We would like to inform society about this,” explains Prof. Dr. Michael Roden, Scientific Managing Director and Director of the German Diabetes Center and DZD Speaker.
As a national diabetes information portal, provides independent and evidence-based information on the prevention and treatment of diabetes in five languages. “It is very important for us to expand the prevention section on in order to provide interested parties with a comprehensive view of the risk factors for the development of common diseases and their prevention,” adds Prof. Dr. Martin Hrabě de Angelis, Research Director at Helmholtz Munich and DZD Board Member.
The prevention portal now offers practical tips and information on preventing type 2 diabetes as well as information on how to prevent cardiovascular disease. The articles offer background knowledge and assistance for everyday life and answer personal questions, such as how to sleep more restfully or what is important in a balanced diet.
The interaction between diabetes and cardiovascular disease is also explained. Detailed articles provide information on the complications, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment as well as the risk factors and prevention options for the individual diseases. "Obesity” will soon be added to the range of topics.
Further information on non-communicable diseases (in German, soon to come in English)
Further information on cardiovascular diseases (in German, soon to come in English)
Further information on ways to prevent diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases (in German, soon to come in English) is a joint service of Helmholtz Munich, the German Diabetes Center (DDZ) and the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD). The national diabetes information portal was initiated by the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA). Funding is provided by the BZgA, the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). offers quality-assured and scientifically proven information on the prevention of the disease and on living with diabetes - also in English, Turkish, Russian, Polish and Ukrainian.
The information is aimed at people with diabetes, people with an increased risk of diabetes as well as relatives, diabetes counselors, pharmacists, PTAs and other interested parties. It is also aimed at people with an increased risk of non-communicable diseases and the interested public. In addition to basic knowledge, current news, background articles and frequently asked questions, the online portal offers explanatory videos, podcasts, infographics and quizzes. Teaching materials are available for teachers to download free of charge. The texts on are scientifically reviewed, up-to-date and neutral. Findings from medicine and diabetes research are presented in a generally understandable way. has been classified as a reliable health portal by the German Network for Health Literacy (DNGK).
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